The 1947 - Present Chevrolet & GMC Truck Message Board Network

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CG 03-04-2018 02:04 PM

Are you stubborn?
So for truck stuff I prefer to use this place. Don't feel like sourcing a bunch more venues. Hey got any more pictures of you build? Oh yeah, check out my Facebook page, or check out my Instagram, or check out this ... Blah!

So many times when you try to check out the Facebook stuff it doesn't let you see because of some sort of settings. Instagram seems to be, here's a picture make a nice comment. No real substance like you could put on a post of a message board.

When I do an image search so many of the little thumbnails are Pinterest links, good luck trying to see them full size ... You gotta have an account, or know some sort of secret handshake.

I asked someone recently if they have build pics of their cool stuff. Oh yes, check out my Instagram. I know this is a really good fella, but honestly I don't even bother trying anymore.

So much stuff on this board is getting watered down or completely filtered out. I think (maybe I'm wrong), people are enamored in getting followers, or likes. Sigh, I really liked the one stop shopping this place used to have :lol:

RedBed 03-04-2018 02:11 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
Stubborn. Yes.

I have literally lost friends because I will NOT use "social" media. I really do not want to know what anybody had for breakfast, etc. What ever happened to privacy? Seems like it is a lost art.

But this forum is great. Because trucks.

CG 03-04-2018 02:14 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
Yes there is the personal aspect of social media for sure that just befuddles me.

But the stuff "I care about" (heh), our trucks ... Bring em back home fellas!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

richard2717 03-04-2018 02:16 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
Agree 100% FB drives me nuts sometimes. I am a member of several 67-72 groups and you get someone that asks a question that either 50 people respond with the same answer or you get the one or more jacklegs that are throwing out incorrect answers on purpose. I like the simplicity of this page and the people that frequent, as well as the great job the team leaders/ moderators/ admins do with keeping the crap extinguished.

mongocanfly 03-04-2018 02:32 PM

Re: Are you stubborn? as stubborn as they come when it comes to technology...non of that facecrap kind of stuff...friends tell me all the time im living in a cave...I don't even have one of them new fangled smarter than me phones....10yr old flippy phone for me...

FleetsidePaul 03-04-2018 02:37 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
I don't think it's being stubborn. It's a matter of being convenient to use. It seems every time they "Improve" something it becomes twice as hard to use if at all.

I don't use FB or IG. or Twitter. Too much hassle for me. Now if I started a small business I'd probably start using all 3 to promote it, but that's business.

Stocker 03-04-2018 03:10 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
Maybe not stubborn as much as I simply do not understand most technology so I get frustrated so I don't use it. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter -- nope, no interest in any of 'em, have never used them, don't have an account with any of 'em. Downside is I sometimes feel like I'm missing out on something. Upside is..... for the most part, I don't care. I enjoy this board for sure (and a couple others on a smaller scale), but that's about the extent of it.

davischevy 03-04-2018 03:27 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
I suppose we all are to some extent or we wouldn't go to the trouble to keep these trucks alive.

I belong to FB both as a business and personally. FB gets our business a lot more attention than our web page.

I belong to several of the FB truck pages, but I don't participate. I mostly read notices about events and parts. It is futile for me to try to search for something.

This site is by far the best forum I belong to as far as people being courteous to each other and sorting topics in an appropriate forum.

I am one of those that started a thread that developed a life all it's own. When I started the FaceTruck thread, I had no idea it would go longer than a few posts. I did it as a spoof, making fun of all the worthless crap that gets posted on FB. It did just that for the most part.

That said, I don't think some of the spoof type threads "water down" the site in general. As I said before, the site is well organized, so that the worthless crap can be ignored if you don't want to look at it. On the other hand it keeps the worthless crap out of the way of valuable info.

Stubborn? You ain't changin' me. :lol::lol:

special-K 03-04-2018 03:48 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
When it comes to content, substance, value, etc, this place is far more social. Far more personable. That social media is not a place to get in depth about anything. I just wish I had some way to know how many people liked what I just said.

davischevy 03-04-2018 04:00 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 8203061)
When it comes to content, substance, value, etc, this place is far more social. Far more personable. That social media is not a place to get in depth about anything. I just wish I had some way to know how many people liked what I just said.


Ol Blue K20 03-04-2018 04:06 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
I guess I'm stubborn. This is my kind of place and I'm standing by it.

Stocker 03-04-2018 04:15 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 8203061)
When it comes to content, substance, value, etc, this place is far more social. Far more personable. That social media is not a place to get in depth about anything. I just wish I had some way to know how many people liked what I just said.

Like :chevy:

'63GENIII 03-04-2018 04:21 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
I belong to a few other forums as well and this one is by far the most organized, active and welcoming. Welcoming is the key word for me.

Every time Ive started a project, Ive been able to research quite successfully ahead of time. If I can't find the information through the search, I can ask a question. No matter how dumb or poorly worded my questions have been, I have yet to get flamed for it. I cannot say this for the other couple of forums that Im on.

Now the FB version of this forum is a totally different animal. I signed up on it and have visited it a few times but its really not my cup of tea. Seems there can be a lot of misinformation posted and like anybody here, misinformation can cost you a few $$$ if you aren't able to separate the wheat from the chaff.

IG and Twitter.. I have no clue. Pinterest is another one that for me almost has too much information that has nothing to do with what I'm into. Guess I need to learn how to use it better.

This site is it for me. Wish some of the other sites that I "need" were as good as this one.

Put me in the stubborn category.:lol:

mongocanfly 03-04-2018 04:43 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
im gonna be stubborn and say "don't like"............just kidding

harpo231 03-04-2018 07:50 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?

shp4man 03-04-2018 07:58 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
I joined Facebook just to see what became of my old girlfriends (from the 70's. They got fat :lol: ) but got bored with it and quit.
I'm not only stubborn, I'm a regular grumpy old man, sometimes cynical to the point of offending millennials...Oh, well....;)

Boog 03-04-2018 08:40 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
No. I'm not stubborn. And I won't change for any body!

flashed 03-04-2018 08:44 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
Yes ,Im stubborn ,this is my favorite place . Selling on Facebook has its good points ,loading pics from my phone there is also easy ,never figured out how here .I sold 2 trucks and a Subaru last week on there . I have sold quite a few truck parts there too including a set of truck buckets yesterday .

a1vintage69 03-04-2018 09:46 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
Yes , I guess I'm stubborn. My basketball nickname in high school was Mule e! I love this site. Best collection of old timers around and some good young talent also. The format was a bit different from the Camaro, Chevelle and Nova sites and like Flashed said it took me a little getting used to to be able to post pictures. Best place in the WORLD to get info and buy, sell, trade!!! THANKS 67-72 you all have made a great place to hang out! woof, a1

joedoh 03-04-2018 10:00 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
my name is in the dictionary as a past tense of stubborn. if a buyer on a craigslist deal wastes my time and then offers half what I am asking as an opener, I wont sell it to them at any price, even full price.

Chevyland 03-04-2018 10:02 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?

Originally Posted by shp4man (Post 8203292)
I joined Facebook just to see what became of my old girlfriends (from the 70's. They got fat :lol: ) but got bored with it and quit.
I'm not only stubborn, I'm a regular grumpy old man, sometimes cynical to the point of offending millennials...Oh, well....;)

Classic :wave::wave:

flashed 03-04-2018 10:22 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
Bomp ,I agree with you on all the above , I resisted until my flip phone died and Verizon refused to get me another one . Im glad they did ,like you ,I use it as a very useful tool for buying and selling . Just dont post about a 1/2 dozen different items for sale on 8 or more Facebook groups pages at 1 AM when you are half asleep . My phone blew up for a solid week but I sold everything except my Trans Am . Other than not sleeping good I made killer cash .

special-K 03-05-2018 12:12 AM

Re: Are you stubborn?
I'm not stubborn when it comes to this topic. I am here out of preference. If the other was better I might be there now instead of here. I am slow to change, don't need something new constantly. This forum is like none other I've seen, but it's not about this forum it's about online forums vs social media sites. I only check out FB and it seems like there is no substance. I see jibber jabber for the sake of jibber jabber and a whole lot of self promotion. With 67-72 trucks, I go there and they are debating which trucks got the small back window or whether only 67s had no side markers or when they became lighted. One wrong answer arguing with the other wrong answer, a right answer, then back to the wrong offering again. Drives me nuts. It's worthless matter. I swear a couple years ago I checked and it was the same questions. No info gets retained there like here. I stopped answering questions, for the most part, years ago when I realized how much had become common knowledge here. Always someone to come along with the answer.

Steeveedee 03-05-2018 12:12 AM

Re: Are you stubborn?
I worked in MILSATCOM for most of my career. That's at the bleeding edge of technology, but all I ever had up until a year ago was a burner phone from WalMart. Cheapest way to get rescue on the freeway, thank you very much, T-Mobile pay-as-you-go. But it got to the point with my last $23 phone that things just weren't happening, so I got a Samsung something or other. No FB, IG, whatever other Two- or Three Letter Acronym (TLA) platform people use. I don't even watch TV. The last movie I saw in a movie house was "Hidden Figures", last year when we had a new shell put on the truck. Recliners in a movie house?! What the Heck is that!?

Stubborn, the above isn't; it's curmudgeonly. Stubborn is taking 6-1/2 years to get a 4 year degree in physics, because even though I had the GI Bill, I still had to work for a living, especially since I got married half way through. People at work used to call me the bulldog, because if a problem needed fixing, I'd fasten my teeth onto it until the answer was gotten.

mongocanfly 03-05-2018 12:19 AM

Re: Are you stubborn?
dang eyes are crossed from all that reading.....ill just stay under my rock...for now...haha

CG 03-05-2018 12:57 AM

Re: Are you stubborn?
Bomp, I'm 58 and I have a smart phone, always had them. Latest is my IPhone X. Actually bought two of them (wifey) ... 256 gig versions. I'm not afraid to spend the dough on stuff I actually use. Same with my laptop, its a powerhouse.

So for a lot of us its not being afraid of technology, its the watering down of message boards. Especially this one. This place is a whole different experience, I really fall in to what S-K (Tim) says.

Member A has an excellent build thread. Pictures hosted here on the board so they never get photobucketed. Rightfully proud of his work and happy to share and answer direct questions.

Member B has a build thread, but its kinda sparse. Seems to be a good dude, does great work. Hey did I miss the post where you built that super cool widget? No that's on my Instagram account, check it out and be sure to follow and like. Post a question there if you like. Or follow me on Facebook I have a place there too. Don't forget to follow me and like.

Ive looked at a few builds on Instagram. Good luck getting a question answered. And my Facebook days lasted around a week several years ago (ugh). I even started an Instagram account. I did it as a joke, I think it was on my wife. I told her I could just post pictures of glasses of water and I could get people to follow. I had a bunch of board members follow as part of the joke on her. And she was floored lol. Funny thing is other people started following too .. It was just weird. I didn't do it that long.

special-K 03-05-2018 09:13 AM

Re: Are you stubborn?
I read some BS a "friend" posted on FB (one of those things someone else prints and people post in agreement, some politically charged statement asking for agreement on this far fetched conspiracy theory. I was first to respond. These people expect all their friends to agree with them but I posted that I found the statement to be unfounded paranoia based garbage. I expected a flame out but when I had a notification that he had responded I checked and he "liked" my post! That was easy :lol:

A1971Blazer 03-05-2018 10:14 AM

Re: Are you stubborn?
Like most things...... FaceBook can be useful...depending on how you use it.....there are several really good groups that pertain to 67-72 trucks and 69-72 Blazers....I am on several of can post for about one issue is there are a bunch of smartass young kids on some of them....they have the answer for everything.....right or wrong.
The biggest drawback is the drama.....I don't understand why people want to air out their dirty laundry for everyone to see...?

When it all boils down...this site is hands down the best all around.....I'm glad there is no politics allowed.....just people with a dedicated common interest in old Chevy trucks willing to help fellow members....

I have my wife's hand-me-down iPhone....99% of the time it's for a call...and sometimes a short text...but it comes in handy for looking up stuff on-line when I'm not at my desk.
She is the iPhone GURU....we will be at a store somewhere and she will find discount coupons or price-match info, or reviews, on just about anything we are looking to buy.

An outhouse is old school...but how many still use one at home ?

BTW....I'm 62

67ChevyRedneck 03-05-2018 11:42 AM

Re: Are you stubborn?
It can also be annoying as hell. I'm on a few "chevy groups" and I swear to God, these are the types of questions asked every freakin' day.

"What are the best headers for my truck?"
"Who makes bags for my truck?"
"What is the best way to lower my truck?"
"What transmission will work in my truck?"

Those are the questions, literally word for word that pop up daily. We've become so retarded as a society that we don't even know how to properly ask a question anymore.

Either they assume their friends will answer (because they know what they have) or that you looked at their profile and know what they're doing (most of the time I'm not friends with these people so I can't see their profile.) But why should I do the extra leg work, you're the one needing information from me.

How a bout a little more info? What freakin' year truck? What motor? Leafs? Coils? STOP BEING SO DAMN LAZY! :lol:

Don't get me started on the vast amount of posts claiming they're right, when they're not.

I literally do not "help" anyone anymore on social media. It's amazing how we're supposed to be so connected, yet, we're not.

I use it the way I want. I post my build info on my page. If someone likes it, cool. If they ask a question I'll answer. Otherwise it's for me and my family/friends to see.

davischevy 03-05-2018 01:40 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
I was on one of the FB forums a while back looking for a part.

Somebody asked one of those stupid ass questions about our trucks.

After about ten people threw their two cents worth in, a well known and knowledgeable forum member, from here, answered the question correctly.

The correct answer was completely ignored, and the BS continued.


Boog 03-05-2018 01:52 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?
Some folks would rather argue when the truth sounded better. :lol:

special-K 03-06-2018 02:05 AM

Re: Are you stubborn?
I see General Discussion as being a go to place on the internet all it's own apart from the truck stuff. I think if anyone stumbled onto it, with no interest in trucks at all, would enjoy coming here. And we could easily fix the no interest in trucks thing

Ol Blue K20 03-06-2018 02:52 AM

Re: Are you stubborn?

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 8204537)
I see General Discussion as being a go to place on the internet all it's own apart from the truck stuff. I think if anyone stumbled onto it, with no interest in trucks at all, would enjoy coming here. And we could easily fix the no interest in trucks thing

X2 Tim, very well said.

harpo231 03-06-2018 12:00 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?

Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck (Post 8203778)
It can also be annoying as hell. I'm on a few "chevy groups" and I swear to God, these are the types of questions asked every freakin' day.

"What are the best headers for my truck?"
"Who makes bags for my truck?"
"What is the best way to lower my truck?"
"What transmission will work in my truck?"

Those are the questions, literally word for word that pop up daily. We've become so retarded as a society that we don't even know how to properly ask a question anymore.

Either they assume their friends will answer (because they know what they have) or that you looked at their profile and know what they're doing (most of the time I'm not friends with these people so I can't see their profile.) But why should I do the extra leg work, you're the one needing information from me.

How a bout a little more info? What freakin' year truck? What motor? Leafs? Coils? STOP BEING SO DAMN LAZY! :lol:

Don't get me started on the vast amount of posts claiming they're right, when they're not.

I literally do not "help" anyone anymore on social media. It's amazing how we're supposed to be so connected, yet, we're not.

I use it the way I want. I post my build info on my page. If someone likes it, cool. If they ask a question I'll answer. Otherwise it's for me and my family/friends to see.

couldn't agree more....:metal::metal:

special-K 03-06-2018 12:46 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?

Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck (Post 8203778)
"What are the best headers for my truck?"
"Who makes bags for my truck?"
"What is the best way to lower my truck?"
"What transmission will work in my truck?"

I don't go to FB truck groups much at all. Could you please answer all those questions for me?

I have a question. I have a '67 Chevy K/20 with a factory 292 and 4spd. What do I need to put a 12-valve in it? It pulls pretty good now for an old 6 cylinder, but I'd like to see how a 12-valve would be.

Is my truck a '67 because the back window is small or is my back window small because it's a '67?

I just bought another project. Can I convert it to a short bed and what size tire would fit? What year bed? What will it cost to do all this and more?

Ol Blue K20 03-06-2018 01:12 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 8204800)
I don't go to FB truck groups much at all. Could you please answer all those questions for me?

I have a question. I have a '67 Chevy K/20 with a factory 292 and 4spd. What do I need to put a 12-valve in it? It pulls pretty good now for an old 6 cylinder, but I'd like to see how a 12-valve would be.

Is my truck a '67 because the back window is small or is my back window small because it's a '67?

I just bought another project. Can I convert it to a short bed and what size tire would fit? What year bed? What will it cost to do all this and more?

Can we say........SMART @$$!!!!....LOL

67ChevyRedneck 03-06-2018 02:51 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 8204800)

Is my truck a '67 because the back window is small or is my back window small because it's a '67?

Oh no, I've gone cross-eyed...

Grumpy old man 03-07-2018 07:48 AM

Re: Are you stubborn?
I don't do facebook /twitter/video games /I've gotten to the point where my old phone used to just sit in the trucks glove box ... Now it's turned off unless I need to use it myself . I don't check email ,maybe once every week or two and the home phone has an answering machine ,My outlook on all of it is I'm not going to be tracked / or so connected to "the system" I'm just not part of the "instant gradification age " I see people who carry their phones 24/7 in fear they'll miss some useless post ? So am I stubborn ? No, I use this site because you all tolerate me ...:lol:

Boog 03-07-2018 05:05 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?

Originally Posted by Ol Blue K20 (Post 8204827)
Can we say........SMART @$$!!!!....LOL

Aw don’t mind Tim. He’s probably wearing shorts 2 sizes too small! :lol:

davischevy 03-07-2018 05:29 PM

Re: Are you stubborn?

Originally Posted by Boog (Post 8205849)
Aw don’t mind Tim. He’s probably wearing shorts 2 sizes too small! :lol:

Yes, but did he have the surgery?

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