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Old 03-22-2005, 10:51 PM   #5
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: New York
Posts: 288
Just did the install today. Couple of tips in addition to GMC Paul's excellent instructions:

Cutting the old seal off from the outside works, as 72C5 says. Quick.

5/50 parachute cord works well for the string. Make sure you tuck it on the inside of the channel, as that's the side it will be coming out of.

Save the caulk / silicon for after the install. It will just get smeared all over if you put it on the flange before the install.

I found it easier to rest the bottom of the windshield on the cab flange first, then tip the top into place. Start at the top with pulling the string as your assistant applies pressure. Do one side, then start at the top and do the other side.

Make sure you fully seat the windshield after installation by slapping the windshield with the palm of your hand. You'll feel / see it seat. Then work the weatherstripping all the way around, inside and out, to make sure the seal flanges fit well and aren't kinked under.

Seal with silicon around the entire windshield after the install.

72K10 Cheyenne
72C10 Cheyenne Super
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