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Old 02-26-2009, 01:18 AM   #54
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Re: Over 25 Years Later, Finally My 71 C-10 Truck Build

Spring fever is starting to set in. But spring is still several weeks away. Most of our snow melted off the past couple days and when that starts happening I get a serious itch to work on stuff. The problem is that 40*F feels real nice right now, but it's not warm enough for adhesive to work. So the cab sits, waiting to be worked on again.

I haven't been able to move the truck for two reasons. First the snow was a bit deep around it. Second, it wouldn't start. At first I thought it was the battery because the starter would turn over for a minute and then die off. Then I figured out the starter was dying. But because it's been stuck in a snow bank since november...

Anyway, I couldn't stand it any longer. I jacked up the front pass side, popped the tire out of the ice and replaced the starter. I got a rug under me to stay dry from the soggy grass. It was a hard start, but it did eventually get running. I drove it around the neighborhood a bit and think I ran out of gas about 100 feet from the driveway.

I put a little gas in and got it backed up to the garage. I think I'll get the bed pulled off next week. It needs to wait until then. You see, we got this thaw here, but there is a 100% chance of snow again tommorow and highs in the teens for a few days. Then another thaw next week. Typical late winter weather for us.

I do appreciate the nice days when we get them. It's just too few right now. I told the wife I will not go another winter without a heated garage. She just said to get it (the garage ceiling and heat) finished. OK dear. I will.
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