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Old 06-07-2009, 12:44 PM   #87
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Re: What do you guys think?

Originally Posted by SCOTI View Post
XXL's got mad skill . . ....
Originally Posted by jlaird View Post
Can you explain in detail your technique on those mig welds? Push or Pull, angle, what pattern and are you pausing at a certain point, distance from surface your working, etc. I want to know EVERYTHING! Those welds are beautiful!
Thanks! And sure, I'd be glad to... first you make sure the material has a nice factory coat of lube on it (some of those fancy pants welders refer to this as "contaminants"). This not only reudces oxidation while the material is being warehoused, it also ensures you don't get too hot with your weld and burn through it. Next, if you're low on gas, as often happens, just cut back on how much you're feeding the welder. Contrary to what those fancy-pants welders will tell you, the gas' main purpose is just to blow away the smoke from your weld so you can see better as you're working. Once you strike an arc, be sure to move up and down, and side to side in a random pattern, so as not to build up too much heat in any one area. Don't worry about the crackling and popping sound. That just tells you that your welder hasn't popped a breaker and is still working. Just imagine that someone's making a fresh batch of hot buttered popcorn for you.

I hope that gives you some basic tips on how to create welds like mine. Please feel free to ask any more questions. I'm here to help.
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