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Old 09-27-2009, 12:02 AM   #224
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Re: Junkyard Jimmy Super Low Buck Build Thread

Only worked on it for about 10-15 minutes today. Got the drivers side cylinder off, along with about 1" of the brake line. The fitting was previously rounded off, so a visegrips was about the only option. Twisting the line made no difference cause it would need to be replaced anyway. The pass side is still a bit of a problem. The line came off, it twisted a little, but I don't think it kinked anywhere. Got one wheel cylinder bolt out, the other was so corroded that the hex is too round for even a 6 point socket. I'll try the visegrips and if that doesn't work I'll just grind or cut it off.

Bought some used lines from JUSBLAZ here. They should be here this coming week. Been price comparing the various parts stores and online for wheel cylinders, shoes, hardware and drums. Everything but the drums are cheap enough, but new drums are spendy items.

I thought I found a good deal on ebay, but they were an older style and I'm not sure they would work. I've been told that 69 and older are different, and they do have a different part #, but I don't know what's different. They are both 11" x 2" and 6 lug. If someone knows, please respond here.

I'll be checking the yards this next week. I know where a few of these are sitting, just need to get prices. By next weekend I'll have the brakes back together, then I'll take a deeper look at the master cylinder. I should see if I can find the procedure to rebuild it. And the booster check valve is only like $9, so I might try that as well.

I haven't posted any pics in a while because it's just been a slow brake job, but I took some tonight that look alright. I think it looks like it's going to launch here.

Driver side front, wore, but not shot. Just needs pads.

Front pass side, looks pretty good really.

Driver side rear dismantled. A bit rusty. The e-brake cable end looked ok. I should try and lubricate it and see if it'll loosen up more.

Pile of rust and dirt from the same corner.

Rear pass side. Stuck wheel cylinder still in place and pile of rust and dirt, etc.
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