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Old 11-21-2009, 12:33 PM   #528
Conversion Truck Addicted
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Re: How about some pics of 73-91 crew cabs

Originally Posted by MrBeast View Post
No, they took it from a truck that I would have loved to have owned and turned it into something that is totally useless to me. It kind of turns my stomache sour.

I can understand slamming a half ton, In certian cases I have seen it where I liked it and it looked good. That being said, I hate it when they take a crew cab dually and need to lay it out on the frame to achieve a look, and in the process turn it into a total pain in the ass to drive.

It just bothers me. Because they are just damn good trucks, and properly setup they will work circles around the new offerings from detroit.

I love the square body duallys, I mean they are still seriously kicking ass, some almost 40 years old now.

I mean this truck as we first saw it.

Man that is what I call a truck, that is to a tee how I hope mine winds up looking, I think it is a very classy looking truck, it looks like a MAN's truck. To me I see a truck that looks like that, and I expect who ever is driving it to seriously have a clue what they are doing in life.

That is a truck that I expect to see hooked to a 40' gooseneck workin it hard yankin a load down the road, or to a custom hauler with a bad ass race car stuffed in the back.

It is a truck that to me is beautiful because it is functional, and man it is just clean and mean. Allthough I would rather have the 19.5's over the 22.5's wrapped in a Michelin XZA3 with the lettering painted white.

Now the truck as it is today.

I hate the color, I hate the flames, to me it looks gimicky, and it doesnt look like it is ready to go to work. Now I know there are people out there who do pull 5th wheels with thier slammed trucks, but for me the idea of having to run this truck from say Texas to Montana, even in the summer doesnt sound fun because I am going to be constantly worried about high centering it, I mean the truck just is not practical to me.

I do understand it takes a ton of work and fab skills to build one like that, but I feel like just because you can, doesnt mean you should. I would be much more impressed if some one took thier wicked fab skills, reinforced the frame, Built air ride that kept the truck up off the pavement, that also served to smooth out the ride and give it some wicked load handleing capabilites, and thus made it a truck that could grab on to about anything a gear head could want to haul and drag it coast to coast or anywhere in between comfortably and in stile!

Now on the flip side of that coin...

This truck also makes me crazy, I think doing this to a truck is a total waste of money, it is my feelings that the only reason some one does this to a truck is because they suffer from some serious insecurity issues and have something to prove to the world and there fore think if they build the tallest truck in town it will compensate for thier short comings.

This truck is absolutely useless, and not functional in the slightest, in fact, with its uber high roll center, the truck can flip right over with the greatest of ease. Call me crazy but having a truck that will roll over so you can scratch its belly aint cool.

Now do not think I am a purist either who shudders at the thought of modification or *gasps* a cut dash.

This truck here, I think it has class, I think it is beautiful, the paint scheme just works on it, and man I could just see myself driving it up in Montana with like 4 snowmobiles in tow and a cab full of friends heading out to West Yellowstone to go have some fun.

It is a great looking truck. The lift is appropriate, the wheels work well with it, and the tires are perportionate. The truck is a well rounded package and is quite frankly one id like to drive.

So, I'm gonna get off my soap box now, I just had to get that off my chest.
Unberliverbel that there are still some people left who has this kind veiw to this. thought was the only one left
creations like those aperently made by men with small wieners

Tonight mine pulled a few cars out of snowbanks, and is sitting in my driveway, icicles on the grille, wheels just white cakes of snow, buried up to the lug nuts in powder, straps and chains wrapped around the bumpers, the outline of the wipers clear in 4 inches of snow on the windshield... A tired warrior of the 1980s in a world of low profile tires, front wheel drive, and plastic bumpers, where people stay in their houses until snowplows move the offending substance from their paths, too helpless to travel without AAA and chains and salt, clearing their windows with longhandled brushes while gently stepping around in the snow trying to stay nice and dry.
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