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Old 08-22-2010, 06:30 PM   #2631
Alan's Classic
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Re: Project Vitamin C-10

Originally Posted by Captainfab View Post
I'm really happy to see you fill in that little notch.

I think every rear of a truck I've seen that has been 'shaved' this little detail has not been done, and it bugs the crap outta me. This is just another example of the fine detail that sets you above most of the guys Alan
Thanks Capt. I hope I'm happy on the final product. There will always be something that one wish they did different. Right now I'm wishing I put frame notches in and bored and sleeved the trailing arm crossmember for exhaust.

Originally Posted by jonzcustomshop View Post
I like the "chevrolet" logo on the 2002-2006 avalanche tailgates.. I always wanted to put it on a project... however I found out that those tailgates are plastic...
is there a way to bond that logo to a smooth metal gate?
that would be my suggestion!
One could probably use 8115 panel bond from 3m. It's amazing stuff. We use it to bond 1/4 panels on in some areas.

Originally Posted by 65Custom View Post
I'm with captianfab
I agree that notch should be filled by all with out chains, it is just another detail that many over look, but Alan's Keen eye for detail is at it again and definitely will be apparent when in shows.

Tailgate script or no script

I prefer the original script tailgates, this is my opinion. I don't like the script on the Mar-K tailgates, it is different from original and reversed from original and does not suite me, I like the latch system and wish they would make us a kit to adapt to the original tailgates and as for the links to hold the tail gate those are Ok too in keeping with the original equipment later models or the newer cables are cool too,

So Alan in your case I'm voting for the non script and then you can letter it or do what ever design on the tailgate you wish, but what ever you do it will be detailed and cool we are all waiting to see what you do and then drool.
Thanks Kevin!!

I use these pull pins to handle the panel until it is ready to weld then use tape to hold it where I want it til it is tacked.

Since I removed the stake pocket I needed a reinforcement to brace it up.

Getting ready to wipe.

This is all I can wipe at one time due to the heat (97 in the shop). Due to the heat I have to reduce the hardener that is used, in turn the crust stays sticky longer. It kicks really fast but due to the sticky crust it gums up the sand paper. Sometimes I can wipe the sticky stuff off with a laquer rag if I can't wait. It's still drying now. I should be able to sand pretty soon when it is fully cured without using thinner.

First wipe

Nine wipes later. It took almost an hour just to wipe it. I couldn't take my time like I usually would. I just had to get it on as quick as possible.

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