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Old 02-08-2011, 06:16 PM   #238
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Re: Left for dead: 72 2wd blazer build

Originally Posted by 1956cameo View Post
"Is my truck really that much worse than everyone elses or are everyone elses rides still hiding that much rust?"
I'm pretty sure that yours is worse than average of what's still being driven on the road or in a rebuild process. Of those that are as bad or worse than yours, they are mostly made into razor blades or toyotas by now.

But you are doing a heck of a job on this. In the end, you'll either decide that it wasn't so bad and be willing to take on a very rough project, or you'll say, that's enough of that, I'll never do that again.

I tend to be a bit lazy and look for short cuts. It's my nature. It's why I swapped bodies on my Jimmy and swapped cabs on my truck. It didn't eliminate all of the work, but it definitely made it more manageable. Too many people get into a project and find themselves overwhelmed by how much work it really takes. They don't realize that it can be broken down into a lot of little jobs, like you have done here, and give up in frustration.

Your doing great though. Time for me to get my lazy butt out to the garage and sand some more.
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