Thread: tranny flush?
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Old 04-12-2011, 11:33 AM   #2
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Re: tranny flush?

I wouldn't do it. If the transmission hasn't been flushed at about 70,000 miles then I wouldn't do it. My dad's a transmission rebuilder and we used to get people in ALL the time who just had one flushed and now it stopped working. I also used to work at a Ford Quick Lane and we were required to push trans flushes on people. We had the same problem there, people coming back with high mile vehicles with transmission issues.

When you have a transmission with that many miles the constant heating and cooling cycles actually cause the rubber sealing rings to harden, these also collect some minor clutch debris as well. This minor debris actually helps keep the rubber seals tight, if you clean it all out now your transmission probably won't work like it needs to and you'll notice slipping. I would just recommend dumping the old fluid and installing a new filter. This will be more than adequate. I will say that at anywhere from 120000 to 150000 most of those transmissions will require a rebuild anyway. I have seen plenty of them make it to 200000, but it's all driver dependent. If it's taken care of an not abused you'll make the 200000 mark. Just take a look at the transmission fluid, if it's black that's a bad sign.
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