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Old 04-27-2011, 06:55 PM   #21
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Location: Beatrice, NE
Posts: 16
Re: Tbi swap build thread

Well crap! I just swung by my favorite salvage yard. This is a neat old place, I used to go there as a kid with my Dad (and my sons and I just toured it a couple years ago!) and it has cars going back for decades. Has a few rows of 30's/40s/50's era cars and even an old Liberty truck that's been there for as long as I can remember.

Well, it DID anyway! Today I'm greeted by the sound of a crusher running and the field with the really old stuff was empty! They are crushing most older stuff. The really old stuff and the camaros, mustangs, etc. all got sold to an outfit in Oklahoma and they picked them up a few weeks ago!

They aren't closing, they are just starting over. They had no demand for their old stuff so they are scrapping it and focusing on stuff that's about 10 years old or newer.

He didn't have any early '90s stuff any more at all so I didn't get a DRAC. He knew exactly what I wanted and said it would've ran $10, but they crushed those vehicles a week or two ago!

It's truly a sad day here in Steveville!

We have one more salvage yard in town but they've been more of a crush yard than anything for a long time now so I'm not holding out much hope.

About 20 miles south of me is a yard that specilizes in older stuff so hopefully they'll be able to help me.

I'm aware of the Dakota Digital device and may end up using it, but I have a question about it that I'll have to ask them first . . . it only has one 2,000 PPM output and I need two, one for the computer and one for the speedometer. Is it OK to split that line and feed both? On the original DRACs they had two separate outputs for those signals. Even if you can't I'm sure you could use one of the other lines and little more circuitry to divide down what you need, but the original OEM DRACS appear to be very reliable, easily modified with dip switches so you can configure them for new gear ratios and tire sizes, and if you can find one they seem to be CHEAP! It's hard to beat that combination!

A friend of mine is an elctron guru too and I mentioned this to him and he got a twinkle in his eye and started mumbling about pic chips and stuff. Later he wanted to know how many pulses per revolution and my gear ratio and tire size so I'm sure he's cooking something up too so I'll probably have another option. 8->

I'm having trouble finding stumbling blocks / reasons NOT to do this project, so it looks like it's time to order some parts and start stripping the donor truck!



Last edited by SLR_65; 04-27-2011 at 07:16 PM. Reason: Terrible spelling!
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