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Old 12-14-2011, 08:45 AM   #113
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Re: Olds powered 72 GMC

Well, The weather outside is just a bit too cold for any serious wrenching on my 72. A bit on nice days but those will be few and far between for the next 4 months. So it's indoors to the garage where the Beaumont resides. Of course it's value is the first reason why the car gets garage priority (my truck is also too long). So the car teardown is underway. First thing is to replace the old 250ci 6cyl head with the fresh one I just bought. She had some smoke issues while under deceleration. Gonna sell the engine as a low mileage runner to recover a little bit of the cost. New frost plugs,seals, gaskets, chevy orange paint and someone has a great engine with a ton of life left in it. PM me if you have any interest in the engine. I also have the 2spd. 67,000 on both. I will post a few pics of the progress if anyone is interested. I don't want to p@ss anyone off by posting too many photos of the car, so I will try and get some work done on my truck as well. Even if I have to freeze my arse a bit. lol
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