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Old 01-29-2012, 01:55 PM   #32
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Re: Travis' Tribute Truck - 65 Chevy C-10 Camper Special

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Rust repair continues within the cab (First Picture). Call me crazy, but hear me out. I have an idea for the cab supports. Would it be a horrible idea to replace the existing cab support system either entirely or partially with square tubing? The second picture shows what areas I am planning or could replace with 1/8 wall square tubing at roughly the same diameter of the existing cab supports. The reason I'm considering this is that most of my supports for sure need replaced and the condition of the others is suspect. That is, they don't look horrible from the outside but the rust that ate the others started from the inside. So I'm somewhat inclined to replace all of the supports. Plus, this tubing will give me a solid, low mount for a cab cage system, in addition to providing increased rigidity to the cab. My only concern is that removing the flex from the cab will result on increased torsion to the cab mounts... Oh, and the figure you see in the center of the second picture, which is from Alan's Vitamin C Build originally, is how I plan on going from a full square tube to a half square tube in the transmission tunnel. The areas with the hash marks are the ones that I would use half of a square tube to provide drivetrain clearance. Let me know what you think!
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