Thread: Backwoods '66
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Old 03-15-2012, 08:02 PM   #22
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Re: Backwoods '66

Shortly after the engine/tranny removal there was an impromptu cab removal which would have been rather comical to watch if I weren't the one doing it. So here's what happened...I have a gravel driveway that is everything but level and the ground was somewhat soft to boot, so using the engine hoist to take the bed off wasn't going to work out. Ok, so we'll just use manpower! Easier said than done. Also, the front passenger side cab mount bolt spun...and spun...and spun. Ok, easy fix, right? Just use two wrenches and torque it off since 3/4 of the metal was rusted off. Problem with that. PO, genius that he was, patched the floor over top of the bolt head. Ok so we'll just guess where the bolt is and cut a hole to get to the head with the fraction of my last cutting disc I have left. That was easy enough. I think the strongest metal Chevy used on that truck was in the bolt, because, despite the decimated mess that used to be a bolt, it wouldn't snap. And wouldn't you just know it, I was all out of PB Blaster. I had also decided to do this Sunday evening after the local hardware was closed and the next nearest one was 20 miles away. So, after summoning all the power testosterone could provide and letting out a few He-Man and Thundercat roars, the bolt eventually came off and we were able to tip the cab off the frame onto some 8x8's holding a pallet. I didn't get any pictures of this silly process, but here's the final result.

So now I have a Flintstones convertible truck in my garage.

I'm really hoping to find someone no farther away from Indianapolis (45min) who can get all the patch welding done by the time that I'm done with the suspension and brakes in late Fall so it can be back on the frame and covered up for winter since I've regrettably agreed to have my side of the garage open for other vehicles...that are derivable. So we'll see. I need to start stripping more paint off the body parts to see if there are any other covered up rust spots, I've already found some on one of the fenders. Can we find a cure for regrowing rust after we're done finding a cure for cancer?
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