Thread: Any van love?
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Old 03-31-2012, 01:12 PM   #11
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Re: Any van love?

My son is working on a 78 Chevy van now. I dug out a bunch of my 70's Hot Rod mags to give him a few ideas. I will post some pics up later. Here is an old pic of the van I had high school (1975). It was faded out red when I got it. Worked on it through Xmas break that year and painted it. My freinds called it the loafwagon, they thought it was shaped like a loaf of bread. The dent in the side was from a Porche 914 backing into it. I bet there are some Pontiac guys out there that would just love to have those ralley wheels and wide oval tires. They came off of 72 Firebird my brother had at the time.

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