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Old 07-22-2012, 08:27 PM   #10
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Re: All about heaters.

Ok I have something to ad to the thread that is a bit puzzling. I decided to take the heater box apart and start the dry fit to see what core I might need. I have a "large" core with the Ranco valve, have not decided as of yet whether I'm going to keep this set up or not and just go with a hand turn valve under the hood. I a bit of a purest so I'm torn between the OEM look and less aggravation.

I took the top off of the box and discovered that although the firewall has the proper hole in it for a the control cable to pass, the deluxe heater box does not? I snapped some pictures of everything for the record and everyone’s reference. I also took pictures of the core with the Ranco valve in situ, to see how it all lines up. It seems to fit well and I’m hoping that the core and Ranco valve will be usable. I bought the valve off eBay about 3 years back. IF this core is no go I’ll probably go with a match and will need to modify the top of the heater box I believe, based on other pictures I’ve seen.

I have not figured out what the large hole in front is for just yet, any Ideas?

Let me know what you fine folks think.
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