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Old 09-05-2012, 02:51 PM   #5
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Re: 2WD C10 Modern/Performance Alignments

Well, I stopped in to the shop and told them about the change in handling and they didn't seem all that interested in helping me out. They did say they would take to for a drive on Friday but that was about it. I got the "well, it's an old truck and they don't handle like new vehicles" line as well.

He thinks it's something in the rear that's causing the trouble. I do have a broken leaf in the back, it's been that way for a long, long time. I have a feeling they're going to point to that and say "see, nothing wrong up front, you need new leaf springs".

I should mention that my steering wheel is also way off now, going straight it's a good 1/8 turn off center or more.

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