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Old 09-05-2012, 08:29 PM   #7
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Re: 2WD C10 Modern/Performance Alignments

Honestly, the place I usually take my cars/trucks to get aligned has an awesome reputation. The issue is it's a bit of a hike from my house/work where the place I took my C-10 this time was convenient. I had trouble with them aligning my Golf a number of years ago, I chalked that up to as a one time deal, maybe it wasn't.

The first response I got when I walked in was "the alignment sheet doesn't lie", no where in there was a "huh, well lets see what we can do to help you out".

Before I brought the truck in greased all the suspension stuff and looked it over pretty well. I tugged on the tire and didn't find any play in any of the tie rods but I can do it again.

I know I should change out the spring pack, it's been broken since I inherited the truck and that's over 12 years ago now. It's never bothered so I just ignored it. It's heavy half so there's a little more heft there to begin with.

Thanks for your time, it did seem odd that things felt so different after what looked to me like minor changes...

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