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Old 03-29-2013, 11:21 AM   #17
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Re: Air Suspension Binding from Full Drop...

Wow...glad I re-asked this since I'm not the only one. So do all of you having this issue have DOM's like me?

Naynay, sorry, no pics but I didn't see the slightest movement in the lower cup when the noise I'm hoping to be able to rule that out.

stevencvn72, if you ever do, please post back! The main thing I like about the DOMs though is that to get to ride height in my blazer it only requires about 45 PSI in the front. I hear SS's take a little more pressure. Guess it's really no big deal, but outside of the DOMs being cheaper, it was why I went with them instead of the SSs.

T Smith, I know it's not the sway in my case as I don't have it installed yet.

Hopefully over the weekend, I can set my phone up to take a clean video of the bage as it cycles up and I'll post it to see if anyone can catch what I'm clearly missing. Thanks all! Sorry to say this, but it makes me feel better that I'm not alone here...haha
1970 2wd Blazer
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