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Old 08-01-2013, 02:26 PM   #317
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Re: Donz '65 SWB Stepper Budget Build...


I tried switching to Photobucket but met with some technical problem that wouldn’t let me access any of the links. in trying to resolve that problem I discovered that many long term Photobucket users are very unhappy with the site since a recent major renovation eliminated most of the preferred features. So I tried to see what is most popular right now.

Flickr seems to be most in demand at the moment. I signed up, and the links did work after figuring out how to navigate the site. A test post on my build thread worked, so I intend to completely rebuild at least my build thread and a few other technical threads using Flickr. I’m holding up for a few weeks however to see if Imageshack does restore any of the missing photos/links as promised. Having the images in place will save me days of research trying to identify which pictures are missing. If they still haven’t accomplished anything after another month, I’ll just do it the hard way.

wow mark...i really don't have time for more tech education right now. i just want to relax, read the forum and post photos like we used to. there's enough complication in building these trucks. why does everything get complicated...

i don't know about you man, but i would gladly pay a fee to the forum rather than hassle with alternatives. if the cost for more storage on the site is the problem or whatever it is... i'll do my share... i'm gonna work on my capital letters too...
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