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Old 10-13-2013, 01:44 PM   #224
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Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB

Originally Posted by Ta2Don View Post

Been a while, but the MX5 kept me busy when I did have free time after work and with the nights drawing in and day starting later, it just seems there is less light to work by.

Which brings me to this lot below.....

About 7 months ago I got a PM via an American Van site offering me some 6 foot strip lights from a school, by a retired school teacher who is into cars, and campers.

So with a £40 courier cost to deliver the 10 lights from the middle of nowhere in Wales, they were delivered in April while I was in Africa on the Bike tour of a lifetime with my brother.

When I came back from Africa, life in general, a new contract job and an MX5/Miata all got in the way of fitting the lights to the garage, where I actually only have two 4 foot lights and a variety of odd lights plonked about the rafters.

So now we have winter, early darkness coming in, and with the Mazda finished, I can get back onto the truck.
Plans for the truck over winter includes preparing the bodywork for fresh paint, making up the load body floor with the oak strips I rescued and still have to clean up and prepare for fitting.

So today I started by pushing out the truck which has been stood the last month or so, as I did not need to use it and measuring and planning where the lights will be going.
I plan on fitting four strip lights per side of the garage, making for 8 of them on a 10X10 meter garage, should be reasonably light along with the white I painted the walls earlier this year.

First job was to cut some sections of wood that will be screwed into the sides of the rafters so that I can fit the lights behind and under my numberplate collection without losing any of the brilliance.

Typically though, the wind and pouring rain broke up my fun after cutting the wood to size, so I started up and reversed the truck.

When I started the truck there was some smoke.... oooppss.

I also noted that there was a small puddle of oil on the trucks dribble spot. In the past it used to drop a few drops of oil per week after a good run..... this was not good for me.

So the plan is to have the engine, and mechanics seen to by a proper American V8 mechanic (cue cash register draining noises) after which I will start the body work. (Ohh, and no, I will not be attempting the engine work, I suspect valve stem seals, possibly rings and header gaskets)

Anyone know a decent, reliable, affordable V8 mechanic ??

PM me please.
MY BUILD LINK:]Redneck Express - 1966 C10 Short Fleetside
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