Thread: Rat repair.
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Old 04-20-2014, 08:28 AM   #307
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Re: Rat repair.

Well its official i have a tear in my meniscus, I've had my knee lock up on my a number of times too so what i thought may be ripped or warn tendons was not the case, turns out the torn portion of the meniscus is moving put of place and getting lodged between the joint surface

This is exactly what was happening to my left knee. Every time the torn piece gets in-between the joint and it locks up, your damaging the meniscus more. I was told it will not go away on it's own, it was either live with it or have surgery. I chose the surgery, because every time it happened my knee would swell up like a balloon and I would be out of commission for a few days. Mine was so torn up they removed 60% of it. It took a couple months to feel good, and about a yr for it to feel completely normal again. That was 15 yrs ago. I ski, bike ride, hike, I just don't run any more. If yours isn't torn to bad they can repair it, stitch it together or staple it, but cartilage heals sloooow. Now they can also take some of your cartilage, grow more from that and inject it into your knee and it forms a new meniscus.

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