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Old 07-26-2014, 12:06 PM   #10
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Re: 46 pickemup in NJ "the Rebuild"

Has anybody seen or heard from the Paintman??????????..... The Paintman?Hmmmm......OOO that guy, he's still around. He's still plugging away at it. It's just that he gets lazy, bored, or to busy to post the progress.

so the paintman got the frame painted as soon as the weather got nice enough. I used KBS and prepped the frame and suspension parts as per the instructions, and then just brushed the stuff on. I used their color called galvanized on the frame, and satin black on the running gear. It turned out alright I guess for a brush job. It certainly didn't lay out like a spray job like they claim in there advertisements.

As you can see I started to hang all the parts and pieces back on the frame. It sure is nice not having them laying around on the garage floor.

I also started to work on the brakes. I decided to go with thru frame bulkheads on all 4 corners instead of welding tabs.. At first I thought it would be somewhat of a challenge getting the holes in nice and straight, so I took a scrap piece of C channel I had laying around and made a half assed jig. I just put it on the drill press and bored a 1/4 inch hole all the way through to both sides. This would give me 2 holes perfectly aligned so I could bore the counter bit holes.
Clamp it to the frame and drill your holes in from each side of frame.

Perfectly aligned!

I then took the clamp and jig off and opened the holes up to 9/16 and bingo perfectly aligned!

I also put the gas tank back in so I could finish up the support straps and run the fuel line and mount the filter. I probably didn't have to make top and bottom straps but I was concerned about the stress on the bottom of the tank when it was full. If you look close you can see that everything kind of sandwiches together on the 2 cross members. I'm sure the tank has to come back out to mount the bed wood, so once I do the final install of the tank I will put rubber padding in between all the pieces to prevent chaffing.
I know I'm probably over thinking all this, but I guess it comes from my racing days. One thing is for sure. if I ever drive this truck down into the first turn full loud pedal, hook a rut, and barrel roll it out over the wall and into the hot dog stand....... at least I won't have to worry about the tank coming out.

In other 1946 pickup truck news........ I have been pondering what the hell I was going to do about my inner fender panels. If you go back to page one of the thread you will see the half assed AMC Pacer front end that was originally in the truck. Well who ever did the install realized the panels wouldn't clear the control arms and he would have to cut holes in the panels. Well instead of sitting down and taking his time and cutting 2 nice holes, it looks as if he just set them up against a tree and fired a bazooka at them. I had thought about trying to repair them but there's just to many angles and factory form marks I would of had to deal with. Fortunately I found a pretty decent stell set of Ebay for less than the cost of new fiberglass ones. So at least i got that going for me.

I also rebuilt the rear brakes. And of course here we go again, Who ever did the brakes the last time put the 2 small pads on the drivers side and the large ones on the passenger side I ordered a complete kit from...............

The kit comes pretty mush complete with all kinds of dodads, gizmos, and watchma callits.
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