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Old 12-31-2014, 09:24 PM   #1462
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Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step

Originally Posted by Xeen View Post
It sounds like the truck was T-Boned at some point, it happens but it's sad that it wasn't repaired properly when it happened.
Did the frame shop say they would make it right for free since they missed it when they had it in their shop?
I'm sorry to hear that the truck has to go on the back burner until summer, I know you were hoping to drive it by the beginning of summer not at the end.
On the bright side you get to finish the 57, I know that one has been a long project and it will be satisfying for you to finish it up after all these years, plus gas is cheap right now so it won't cost you an arm and a leg to gas up the big block for the tour LOL!
Could very well be, Brian. I haven't even contacted the frame shop. No need to stir that pot until I have the time to take it to them.

Scott came over this afternoon and, along with Kathy, we managed to swap out the vehicles. No mean feat, I'm here to tell you. No brakes, shifter linkage, or steering on the truck, plus the entire route was uphill. Used floor jacks, two low-buck homemade wheel dollies and the mighty four banger Ranger. Numerous times, one or another of the wheel dollies would stop while the truck kept going. Had to reposition everything and make another run at it. Eventually it made it into the upstairs garage where it is now resting comfortably.

I'll be working on the new build thread in the evenings after the whistle blows. Not much there yet but it's now listed in my signature. Later!
57 Chevy Wagon - California Dreamin'"Mecum'd" 9/2022 Dallas, TX
Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Consigned 4/2019 Dresden, Germany
Maybelline - my '57 Ford 2dr Sedan "Mecum'd" 3/2016 Location unknown
Silver Streaker "Mecum'd" 4/2013 Somewhere in Texas
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