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Old 05-18-2015, 07:20 PM   #431
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Re: Left for dead: 72 2wd blazer build

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I have been saving up money for the blazer but with a new baby it has been a bit slow. I have a decent amount saved up and should be making a big purchase soon so more progress is not far away. I appreciate everyone's patience.

Houses28, It would be a good idea to replace the rocker boxes first if you have enough solid floor and rocker metal to weld it to. If your Blazer is rusty like mine was you have no choice but to weld some braces in and replace all of the floor, rocker, and door jamb metal first and then weld the new rocker box into all of the new solid metal. If anyone that has more experience or if someone has a different perspective feel free to chime in, but that's how I would do it again.

tim's68gmc, It is always great to meet someone else who is into old plates. It started off just being a little side hobby to give me something to look for besides truck parts and now it has spiraled into a serious collection. I will check out your link.

twp1, Thanks! I thought I was thru the hard part, but I found out that now I am in the hard part; coming up with the money to buy all the new parts for it!! To answer your question, no I don't have any extra 2wd frames. Unfortunately before I knew that 2wd blazers were desirable I gave a 2wd chassis and body to my buddy for scrap metal. I regret it now but I just didn't know. Back then I thought if it wasn't 4wd no one would have a use for it.

Xeen, Wow! Thanks for the huge compliment! I am glad people are liking it. I have seen some phenomenal builds on this forum and to be ranked in the top echelon in some readers opinions is truly a great feeling! If you liked how I brought this one back wait a few more months. I am going to be starting on a 1969 factory short fleet big block truck that is going to make the blazer project look like child's play.
I don't always drive trucks; but when I do I prefer Chevy's. Stay driving my friends.

'72 blazer 2wd build

67-72 Factory Big Block Registry
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