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Old 07-21-2015, 03:20 PM   #1
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Suburban Tailgate Woes

My Rear Window has stopped working properly.
The electronics work, but the "sash" that holds the window got snagged and
is now bent. Anyone been through RnR of the tailgate?

Here are my issues with my electric Tailgate:

* It weighs a TON, surely the spring must be bad, because it's all I can do to raise and lower that thing. Is that normal?

* All the felt and weather stripping is shot

* Been re-wired with an (orange no less) extension cord!

* The rear window is cradled by a "sash"; but mine has bent in the middle, and gets snagged on the latch mechanism/wheel-roller-thing. Does nothing "hold" the window in place besides gravity?

* what is the wheel-roller thing for, and is it supposed to be oriented in the "down" position or "up"?

* The rear key lock has been damaged and so it needs to be opened from the inside (lower the window, manually grab the inside latch, open the gate).
Are these hard to replace?

I feel like I'm about to spend $1,000 at LMC to fix all this! LOL

Last edited by swissarmychainsaw; 07-21-2015 at 03:33 PM.
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