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Old 04-17-2016, 12:00 AM   #25
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Re: Fat guy in a little cab

Originally Posted by riz View Post
I gave advice..... you sounded like you didn't want it. I gave a way to fix it by losing weight and a way to get smaller steering wheel as well as saying the cabs don't lend much in the way of making much more room. I did something that fixed the problem I was having... just thought I'd share and see if you'd want to do the same. I was being thoughtful of your health from the very beginning. If you want to attack me, feel free.


Sigh............. the suggestion to go to a chrome chainlink 10" lowrider steering wheel was a bit sarcastic bro

Did not want to get into this .......... but i do not mind ----- you sound like a conscientious man and i dig that

Every "fat guy" has a story ---- mine is different , but the same all at once

I spent my youth in the US Army boys club (me on the left )-- acceptance into this branch of the Army was limited and the training was arduous --- i thrived and spent 5 years there

Needing new challenges after my military service, i found i was a fair to middlin' cyclist --

This pic is from a BMX national --- i'm roughly 50 pounds heavier than my military weight but at 13% body fat
---- I will add for those familiar with BMX machinery that this pic was taken in 2000 when i was 28 years old --- and i am riding an '84 Mongoose California with retro gear --- and its a wonder why i like old trucks

Here's where i work out now-- this is an Olympic training facility and i am surrounded by fairly serious folk on a daily basis

This is a 2015 pic on the lift at a mountain bike downhill facility -- i am currently training for the 2016 Mammoth Mountain Kamikaze Downhill ---- at 44 years of age -- with the extra weight i have implied that i have picked up when i started this thread

The sad part about being an athlete who doesnt make enough to retire on , is that eventually you have to get a job ---- usually in your late 20's or early 30's ---- Going from an athlete's life to the life of a regular joe (for me, contract insurance adjuster) - is hell
Going from a regimented life with my meals and workouts planned, to 14 hours a day of chaos -- and then a little later adding marriage

I am proud to say that at my last physical checkup, my doctor was dismayed at my weight (it was a hair over 3 bills) - but very happy that my lipid, cholesterol and blood pressure profile as well as resting heart rate was very favorable ----- In fact she was shaking her head that my operating system was still fairly healthy at that weight - To tell the truth , i was too - i was scared of what my physical might reveal
-- I have to credit my parents with decent genes i guess -- plus a lifetime of pushing myself to the absolute physical limit
--- As well, I think among husky gents, ---- there is a big difference between those of us who struggle to get out of bed everyday and those of us who can still benchpress bodyweight and squat 5 bills

I mistakenly thought through the years many times that i just need to up my activity level to drop weight -- and now i have had to eat a lot of humble pie when i realized it was not that simple

The old "Calories in-- Calories out" analogy is bogus for some of us ---- although my genes are keeping me healthy, they have blessed me with the metabolism of an old cave bear -- i have a natural tendency to hold onto what i dont burn for the long haul in case i have a long winter

To wrap up all this pontificating -- here's a pic of my truck --- i love this thing -- '75 Cheyenne 454. I'd like to use it more --- its a little like me. Plenty of power and torque but surrounded by a big, utilitarian chassis

So to epilogue --- My name is Doug -- I've represented my country on foreign soil both as a soldier and as a masters level athlete
I still surround myself with excellence but struggle to find the fine line between activity and nutrition for myself
--- i might live till i'm 107, or i could kick off tomorrow - life gives us no guarantees ,
In the meantime --- i will continue trying to make my C-10 more comfortable to drive

Have a good one Riz -- and i will say that i admire your resolve if you were once fat but are now fit
Are you retired too?

Nonsense! I'm in my prime
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