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Old 05-31-2016, 09:07 PM   #5
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Re: Finally Purged the 16.5s

Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
Man, selling the slots would be a tough call. But trust me when I tell you there are NO 16.5 tires out there when your on vacation. I was in the middle of nowhere Colorado when I slung a cap off the crappy Goodyear. I put my OLD spare (also 16.5) on and then proceeded to stop at every tire shop, repair shop, salvage yard I could find. Nothing. Then after about 200 miles my spare started to leak slowly. Luckily I had a small air compressor so I could air it up every night and morning because the tire will pop off the bead real easy on a 16.5. Talk about this flat land Texas boy having some major Kung fu grip on my steering wheel as I was goin thru the mountains with a tire that could blow at any moment! When I got to the first big town I stopped at a tire store and bought some cheap 16' steel wagon wheels and told them to put some comparable tire sizes to what I had but to make sure it was a common size that I could get 'anywhere' You will defiantly breath easier knowing that you can find a tire when your out on the road with the family.
By the way, I think the black looks good on your truck! Love that camper!
Acorn - Your story makes me feel better about cutting my 16.5s loose. If my Blazer was just a weekend cruiser, I would have kept the rims and tires until the tires were worn out. But I use it, and take it on long trips often, so the potential of tire replacement is real. But by selling my tires while they were still very usable along with the rims, I was almost able to scrape enough together to buy the new tires.
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