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Old 07-11-2017, 10:41 AM   #235
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Re: 3 point shoulder belts

Tried to pm but your box is full. I got a set of 3 point shoulder belts from you for front seat of suburban and two sets of truck middle belts to use for back seat. We now have had some people in the back seat and discovered the "non-clip" end - the male end that plugs into the buckle with the logo - is way too long for a suburban back seat. It only needs to be about 13" long.

I want to find just a thread-able floor bracket which would allow me to simply cut off the permanently stitched on bracket, thread the long belt on the thread-able one, and be done with it.

Was wondering if you have another suggestion, or way to to get two of the thread-able floor brackets?? Or somebody I could follow up with? Thanks.

The belts are awesome. Tom M
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