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Old 08-01-2017, 03:21 AM   #4
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Re: Kell's Two Cents - 1946 build

Now, I've been mentally preparing myself to start wiring this dang thing and I finally cracked into it today. I think I have just about everything I need and I'm getting excited because once it's wired I'll be very very close to getting it fired up so I can start working out any other little kinks that are gonna come up.

As stated previously in this thread, I wanted to keep the truck as basic as possible when it came to electronic accessories. I did opt for an electric choke, for the sake of simplicity. I went with an electric radiator fan, and due to me using a tbi sbc and putting a carb on it the mechanical fuel pump wasn't an option, so I had to go with electronic fuel pump. But that's about it. So I went with the basic Route 9 wiring harness from American Autowire and it seems perfect for what I'm doing. It doesn't have a ton of excess features, but it's complete and plug and play enough to ease installation for even a first timer like myself.

So today I started with wiring the instrument panel. With it being a central piece I figured it would be a good warm up before getting the harness into the truck and really digging into it. I got an 8 pin weather proof connector from my local car audio shop because I wanted the whole instrument cluster to be removable with a single clip. I still have a little cleaning up to do but here's a photo of the gist of it. On one end of the plug I have ignition power and ground, then on the other end I have headlight switch power and ground, with gauge inputs filling up the middle. In the 8th slot I went ahead and included the tach wire, though I'm not currently running one, but either way in the future if I decide to or it will be there if I need to add something else.

Beyond that my dash is starting to look pretty complete! Things are coming together. Thanks guys, update coming this weekend
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