Thread: Dual Tanks
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Old 08-20-2017, 06:40 AM   #7
Dead Parrot
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Re: Dual Tanks

Without inspecting, hard to say. After reading about horror stories of rust both inside and out on tanks with the plastic guards on them, I dropped the passenger side tank on my 75 to inspect a few years ago. It only had a few spots of rust on the inside, a couple of spots on the outside under the plastic, and the filler hose was in good shape. The fuel line hoses did need replacing. The support brackets and straps were also in good shape. Wound up repainting everything and putting the tank back in service with new fuel hoses.

Probably should have replaced the ground wire. About a year ago, I started getting an intermittent 3 o'clock fuel reading on that side.

If you know you need senders, make sure they include new gaskets. New ground wire. New fuel line hoses. If you don't have a charcoal canister, new vent caps. Look at your filler hoses. Easier to replace while the tank is on the ground.

If your support brackets look good, might order new straps anyway if they don't cost a lot. Hard to inspect the straps without dropping the tanks.

You need a plan to get rid of all that old gas. I just ran that side dry before dropping it. Still had about a gallon in it.
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