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Old 10-30-2017, 11:17 PM   #60
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Re: 1941 1/2 ton project Hannah

yeah he had 6 on the shelf, he wanted me to buy them all.

SOOOOOOOooooooo. in true application of the joedoh rule, I am fish again, specifically a doom bass. I bought a set of belltech drop spindles and springs at a swap meet last year, but since I really like using springs I sold the spindles on to another guy doing an AD swap. when I cleaned up the springs and installed one I noticed that it... seemed to be almost as big a pain in the butt to install as the originals. I ran the part number and WHO KNEW? Belltech makes 1" drop springs.

so I actually considered calling the guy I sold the spindles and beg for them back, because a 1" drop is going to look pretty silly with a 4" rear drop. I looked at new ones online and it offended my frugal bone. I looked at craigslist and the only semi-local pair was outlaw drifters a cool 3 hour drive away. I went and picked up the lower control arm south of town after considering drop control arms from DJM (two birds, one bb says I) and I was about 3 miles from that salvage yard that sold me the driveshaft. hmmmm I wonder if he ever had a truck come in with drop spindles?

yyyep. A quick squirt of paint and about 200 bucks in new rotors, bearings, seals, spindle nuts, and caps plus a tub of wheel bearing grease and I was back where I was two months ago.
IMG_7671 by Joe Doh, on Flickr
IMG_7674 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

I could have used all the parts I had on the stock spindles, but you know my luck with that stuff.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hannah is one, this was exactly a year ago.
IMG_4663 by Joe Doh, on Flickr
IMG_4665 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

I should have the leafs back tomorrow, and the front end buttoned up too. after some more paint and some reinforcing of the mounts, its time for cab repair.
the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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