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Old 03-07-2018, 09:18 PM   #6
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Re: New to me 87 and introduction

Lunchbox locker is a great idea! Completely slipped my mind. Anyone out there have any experience with one on a truck like this?

Originally Posted by rainamy View Post
Nope, you don't sound like a jerk at all. Hope I don't come across too negative either. Just passing on what ive seen at work, and know to have had happen to some owners of trucks running those.

The DOT numbers on the parts constitutes irrefutable proof that the design and performance of the item, in this case a bumper, is safe and does not create a hazard on the roadways.

The legal mechanism most often used against those bumpers is gross negligence and reckless indifference to harm to other persons or property that the owner knew, or should have known, would result from their choice of materials and design, specifically by the removal of existing/approved bumper types and inserting a homemade contraption a reasonable person would know or should have known did not meet the applicable federal criteria for the year/make/model of vehicle.

Oh they throw other stuff in there too, but that's the biggest one...
You didn't at all! I just read my reply and tones are hard to portray in text so I didn't wanna come across negatively. I do appreciate the concern, though. I don't think what I have in mind would fall under gross negligence just because it's not factory, and if some ambulance chaser is that hell bent on suing me then I'm sure they'll find some reason to no matter what bumper I'm running.

If someone rear ends me, and then tries to sue me, I'm just going to go 19th century on them and challenge them to a duel. Settle the dispute like men. The biggest annoyance to me is distracted drivers; you are operating a multi thousand pound missile-look at what's going on around/in front of you and don't blame others when you screw up. You're lucky to be alive if you hit a full size truck! I know the law might not agree with me on this, but ehhhh (all kidding...somewhat)
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