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Old 04-23-2018, 11:55 PM   #195
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Re: 1941 1/2 ton project Hannah

I have been prejudiced against black cats since my old neighbors cat would camp out on our porch and take meaningful swipes at us just trying to leave the house. he was a real butthole. but mabel (maybee) is just the nicest cat I have ever seen, serious claws but never uses them on us, ever, she is gentle and sweet. morris is a big ol tank, definitely maine coon in him.

IMG_9408 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

enough about the cats. when I got the hood for this truck it was in two pieces, the wind had bent it and ripped it loose. I straightened it out and welded the hinge back on the ripped side, but I just could not get it to fit right.

IMG_9402 by Joe Doh, on Flickr
IMG_9403 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

but I have a deep bench, and spares to spare. this one almost fell on, once I got the hinges and latches all lubed up.

IMG_9410 by Joe Doh, on Flickr
IMG_9413 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

its even the right color... sort of.

IMG_9416 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

I will paint the smooth parts and sand it back. it will look right.

I did the passenger door today too, the inside handle rod was in the bottom of the door and rusty, it broke the first time I used it. but the latch took grease and did not require a rebuild so potato potatto.

IMG_9414 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

I had to grab a window from the farm team, I was planning to leave the cracked one but there was a piece missing.

IMG_9412 by Joe Doh, on Flickr
IMG_9411 by Joe Doh, on Flickr
IMG_9418 by Joe Doh, on Flickr
IMG_9417 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

I mentioned it before in another thread but the days of me grunting big stuff around with the (lack of) help from the fairer sex are over and done with. I bring this home in a week!

IMG_1086 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

its a smooth tire so just driveway use right now, but I will put down a packed limestone path to the back forty (yards) and that will allow me almost unlimited mischief! if my brother in law is reading, thanks again!
the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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