Thread: Wife's 48
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Old 05-13-2018, 02:41 AM   #68
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Re: Wife's 48

nice work and planning there mono.

ok, one more tip. if you have cleco fasteners, like mono has in his post, you can use them as panel clamps through the seams of the 2 parts if you can get some access to the back side. this works well on curved parts, like mono's post shows. make a 1/2 a hole, that would be the same size as the normal cleco hole would be, on each part, at matching areas on the seam,, then match up the parts and put a cleco through the (now complete when the two 1/2's are together) hole and use a small "washer" on the back side for the cleco to grip into. basically you are lining up the two 1/2 holes, one in the patch panel and one in the original panel, to make a complete hole when the 2 parts come together. the cleco fits in the hole and holds itself in by using the washer on the back side to grip into. when the cleco's are removed the little washer can usually be fished out with a magnet.

ok, thats 11 so you owe me a finger (not the middle one, haha)
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