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Old 06-12-2018, 10:31 AM   #22
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Re: Evans waterless coolant, in BBC ??

Originally Posted by Steeveedee View Post
Could you point me too one or more studies? I've always been interested in chemistry.
I did this in my first post On this product waterless coolant (NO-ROSIN TEST RESULTS )

let me say fisrt I have a backround in water treatment.,what I am trying to convay in my statement about distilled water is that water is a great conductivity for all things , thats why its such a good canidate for heat transfer and used in cooling systems , but it also conducts minerals ,by it own nature as it travels through the ground it conducts the minerals in that specific region the water flows through ,if you live in a region that contains a lot of sulfer the waters sulfer will have a higher PPM (parts per Millon) count then another region of land mass , When you start out with distilled processed water you have a blank canvis for the water as it travels through it will have a great conductivity level for the enviorment in witch it is placed.we are not talking drinking water here but you want to try to have a water that is tailord to live within in a system it was desighned for , so depending where you live depends on how well the water will adapt for your cooling system.
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