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Old 06-18-2018, 11:47 AM   #2527
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Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step

Originally Posted by Xeen View Post
That's great Vic i'm glad to hear everything is working out for you.
You will be tearing up the streets again in no time.
Don't be too hard on the old girl she is just trying to live up to her name "squeaky" haha
Is the belt squeal something as simple as a misalignment?
Hey, Brian. I've spent the last couple of days measuring, cleaning, testing and whatnot, trying to figure out the squeal. As far as I can tell, all the pulleys are aligned perfectly. Rick suggested that I glass bead the grooves on the alternator pulley to give it more grip so I tried that and also did the same on the PS pulley. No help. In an effort to track down the main source of the noise, I held a microphone approximately two inches away from the main components I could reach, but the waveform looked about the same at each location. So at that point I resorted to Google and actually found a helpful video that showed a simple technique that uses a spritz of water on the pulley while the engine is running to help isolate the problem. In the end, I think the problem may be the belt itself. I've ordered a Gatorback (now Continental Elite) belt that has angled, transverse grooves that are supposed to be very quiet. Will keep you posted on the results.
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57 Chevy Wagon - California Dreamin'"Mecum'd" 9/2022 Dallas, TX
Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Consigned 4/2019 Dresden, Germany
Maybelline - my '57 Ford 2dr Sedan "Mecum'd" 3/2016 Location unknown
Silver Streaker "Mecum'd" 4/2013 Somewhere in Texas
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