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Old 08-04-2018, 05:39 PM   #108
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Doune, perthshire, Scotland
Posts: 206
Re: 58 Apache short bed rebuild

Not a lot to report since the last update. Between work and the kids off school I've only managed a day or 2 on the truck.
I decided to fit the front and rear fenders to check for alignment and check for clearance issues etc. As it turns out i encountered a bigger problem than i was anticipating.

I tried to fit the rear wheels and found that with the rear discs in place and the axle bolted up that no matter what i tried, the wheel just wouldn't fit They are just too wide, i know they fit ok with plenty clearance when in place inside the fenders, so my next problem was how to be able to remove and refit the wheels with the fenders in place. The solution that i came up with after some head scratching, was to make the body tilt. I used self centering bearings and made up the hinges once i had measured and figured where the pivot point should be. The height the body is at is nowhere near where it will be in reality. I'm going to use 2 300lb linear actuators to do the lifting.
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