Thread: Wife's 48
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Old 08-11-2018, 07:12 PM   #104
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Re: Wife's 48

I've been working on welding up holes. I got the bottom of the doors done, no pics of that, I got the fenders welded up and beat out enough to prime and see what I have. So I've been trying to finish the cab on the 48.

I had to remove the dash, it was hacked all to heck by a po, so here it is without a dash.
IMG_2007 by Robert Moorman, on Flickr
This is the last time you'll see this truck without a dash.

Now I have a dash that was removed including the A pillars that I took apart some time ago. I welded up the steering column indent and it was time for blasting. You will notice in the picture you can see the steering column indent, that is because it is a different steel and blasted differently. It is really smooth as is the choke hole.

My buddy who is buying the truck from me didn't want to spend the extra $60/hour for soda, so he went with a sand.

I have to say that prior to "sand" blasting the dash fit perfectly.

After sand blasting it looked like this, here it is all primed on the inside with self etch epoxy and the little lip has weld through self etch on it, and I thought it was ready to go in.
IMG_2008 by Robert Moorman, on Flickr

Here it is bolted in with the 4 bolts.
IMG_2009 by Robert Moorman, on Flickr

Yes, that is it now sticking up above the front cowl. However, with a little messaging it went back into shape and fit pretty nicely.
IMG_2010 by Robert Moorman, on Flickr

And from the inside,
IMG_2011 by Robert Moorman, on Flickr

I have not primed this side as I am going to take the entire cab to be SODA blasted and epoxy primed. I am not going to let him take a chance on another "sand" blaster.

All welded in and looking good,
IMG_2012 by Robert Moorman, on Flickr

You can see the steering column indent here, it is smooth, and yes, that is the persuader I used to get it to fit so I could weld it. It looks good now. At the A pillar we'll have to do a little putty, but not much.

Now to get the frame cleaned up and cab stands started for this one so I can start on the cab of the 54 for the wife.

Last edited by 8man; 05-04-2019 at 05:15 PM.
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