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Old 08-19-2018, 09:56 PM   #21
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Location: new york, ny
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Re: Trying to make Junky perhaps just a little bit Funky...

In addition to removing the bushings for the trailing arms, I actually completed everything I wanted to get done today.

My primary goal was to finish removing the upper shock mount plate and the reinforcement plate inside the frame. I tried both the grind the rivets, and cut an X in the rivet methods, and this time the X method worked out better for me. The reinforcement plate was tough to get out, but I was able to remove it with only having to drill out one hole. I made a mistake on the crossmember - should have grinded the rivet on the bottom of the shock plate, but not a major deal.

I have to decide if I want to take the trailing arms out to be sandblasted or if I want to do it myself. I am contemplating getting this from HF to blast the small areas of the frame that I need to clean up like above the shock mount plate.

I am glad I decided to replace both shock plates. The right side looked okay when it was on the frame, but after removing it that appears to not be the case.

I was able to properly X out the rivets and knock the heads off. Then I banged out the other side on the reinforcement plate; worked on all but one rivet which I grinded down on both sides and drilled through.

It was much harder to remove the piece on the R/S, but at least I had less to do after it was removed.

This is after I got all but one of the rivets out.

Here are pics of the trailing arms.

1971 C10 LWB
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