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Old 10-12-2018, 03:17 AM   #7
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Location: Fawn Lodge, Ca.
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Re: Put mine in a ditch too.

Well... spent most of my pension cheque on parts for the truck this week.

I repaired the shorted-out wiring, new tires on the front, and adjusted the alignment so that it doesn't toe-out so much (that turned out a lot easier than I expected). I'll have to figure out how to adjust the camber though as both sides are leaning inward at the top too much. I also have to figure out how to tighten up the steering box as the wheel has entirely too much play. First though I'll have to clean it off. It's pretty grungy.

What was left of the original oak bed has disintegrated. All that bouncing around was the last straw. So right now the bed and sides are really... mobile.

I took the old man out for a short test run today. About four miles round trip. It ran good, shifted well after I figured out the linkage had slipped. So that's another thing I have to fix. In fact, the indicator says neutral when the truck is in drive. Oi... Thankfully an easy thing to fix. Will be replacing the bent hood hinges next week when I go to Fawn Lodge.

Noticed a dent in the bed today too (right side). Looks like it might be easy to knock out with a rubber mallet.
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