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Old 02-22-2019, 01:28 AM   #387
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Re: Wamego: 1949 GMC 150

jim I am almost ready. need a name!

Originally Posted by 8man View Post
You need a real time video channel so the rest of us can watch how you do it!

haha its so much work to make interesting content. you know the graveyard carz show started out as a guy who wanted to have a show and did it himself for a while, now he has run for 12 years, by having super high quality content. I dont think poking around in my 20x20 and cursing at rusty steel almost non-stop would be the same experience. I have an instagram that I have never used, maybe thats an appropriate format?

well wamego went north today, been struggling with pickup because his weather was even worse than ours, which has been pretty bad.

it was the buyers dad, he was straight to the point, turned and burned. I told him what a pain my driveway and dead end street was so he loaded in the street and made a 48 point turn in the cul de sac. cul de sac may be the wrong term for what exists at the end of my street, its a big off camber hill in a rough semi circle.

thanks for riding along, watch for the next one!

edit: oh I forgot, yesterday I was prepping for the pickup and decided that I would adjust the speedo with the flash drive. well something happened and I BRICKED the gauges, the needles spun in circles. after a panicked call to con2r they sent a replacement file and all was well. but next time I will just leave it alone.
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