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Old 03-01-2019, 11:57 PM   #9
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Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: Fort Worth Texas
Posts: 88
Re: Project: Analysis Paralysis 1950 3100

As usual things take longer than expected. The rear axle didnt get installed last weekend but got most of it done today and it appears to be centered.... I dropped a plum line on the both sides of the frame and centered the axle based on the distance from the end of the axle to the plum bob.....not sure if this was the right way but I think I read it somewhere here on the forum. Does anyone know what tolerance is acceptable for centering the axle?

I will say it is going to look real funny with the little 185 tires on all four wheels but as long as I can move it around in the garage Ill be happy.

I sent my 292 off to the machine shop finally and just hope the block and head are in good shape. It surprising how difficult it can be to find 292s. I bought my first one up in Oklahoma about 3 hours drive from home. It was covered up and sitting in a field. pulled off the tarp and it actually looked really good and only paid 120 for it....needless to say once it was at the machine shop they found a crack...where the starter mounts to the block. Decided not to use it and started searching again.I found several but people were asking 5-600 for them and there was no proof they even ran so kept looking and finally found one for 200, I would hate to be out 200 on another bad engine but it is much easier to swallow than 600.

So I still need a carb and an intake manifold and I remembered the gentlemen that sold me the last engine mentioned he was planning on using a triple side draft weber but went a different direction and was thinking of selling it. So I gave him a call and he offered to send it to me to look over and make a decision. I have always loved the way the look and am seriously considering purchasing it.

Does anyone have any experience with these carbs? I hear they can be difficult to get set up but work pretty well once dialed it. I was also concerned about fitment under the hood. I am already squeezing a 292 in there so space is tight. I know it is even less period correct than the 292 but damn they look cool.
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