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Old 07-09-2019, 11:18 PM   #3484
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: albuquerque New Mexico
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Re: What did you do with your truck today, Part 3

the dumbest stuff happens to the dumbest people. been driving my truck as my daily for a week. its running great and very fun to drive. pulled out of work gave it some gas and right when I hit 50mph it shut off. I coasted to a Walmart parking lot. I knew immediately it was spark. checked my fuse block. all good. opened the hood and removed the breather so I could see. everything looked good. I pushed on the plugs on the distributor to make sure they hadn't come loose and the whole distributor cap lifted. one of the 3 clips that hold it had come loose. I guess when I put the cap back on last week I didn't get one of the clips seated and it vibrated off. it was an easy fix. the interesting part is when I was working on the truck people kept coming and asking if they could help. lots of people and when I said no thanks that I had it they didn't leave. a crowd of about 15 people gathered and when the death rattle fired they all cheered. I felt like I was on one of the stupid car shows where they do a reveal. ordered the last pieces of my a/c and hop to be knee/elbow deep in a/c this weekend.
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