Thread: 292 Questions
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Old 08-01-2019, 10:27 PM   #171
Who Changed This?
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Re: 292 Questions

Originally Posted by May70 View Post
Thanks for clearing that up RichardJ, keep your patience with me!! I think ive mentioned, I have little to no experience in this stuff. Learning as I go. Unfortunately my family/friends who knew this stuff are dead, so I basically have this forum and google. I appreciate you spelling it out, I wasn't tracking that one.

I got the drift now of what you meant and will check those points you made out in the morning.

I am going to try and find a carb from a friend to swap on there and see if that changes anything. I am looking for something to change the symptoms and go from there.

Stevee Ill take a picture of my distributor internals in the AM. Thanks gents....
I'm not sure that a picture will work, unless you have way better skills with a camera than I have (which wouldn't be all that much- my camera skills are pretty much non-existent). It's going to rely on you wiggling the wires to see if a lot of the strands are broken. This is just another check, and hopefully it's an answer. But not being in front of it, it's just hopeful that we finally guess a solution over the internet. By the time this is figured out, you'll be an ace on troubleshooting these old trucks. It's pretty much how we all learned it, back in the day. But we didn't have the internet then. Did you download the Factory Service Manual for your truck? Not that it would necessarily help, at this point. Those manuals discuss problems back when the vehicles were new, and didn't have corroded and/or worn wiring and serious age on them.

On the topic of checking the condenser, that takes a type of equipment called a "Decade Box", and isn't something that a mechanic would normally use in the repair business. In 25 years of working on vehicles, I never used one- it is for the electronics guys, and I'll bet if you went into a repair shop today, you'd never find one. The dwell-tachs don't have it for this reason.

"Fun" story about condensers- one of my friends put a bunch of Mallory tune-up parts in his '62 Corvette. A few days later, it rolled to a stop. He couldn't figure it out, did a valve job and all kinds of stuff. It still wouldn't start. In the process of pulling the distributor cap off and checking the points for about the 10th time (because there was no spark- the original problem, btw), he managed to pull the wire out of the condenser by accident! All that unnecessary expense and time for a failed condenser. We just looked at it like, WTH? a brand new part! He went on to be a really good mechanic, and did it for a living for 40+ years.

'70 Chevy 3/4T Longhorn CST 402/400/3.56 Custom Camper

Simi Valley, CA
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