Thread: Dream shop?
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Old 03-03-2020, 12:21 PM   #21
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Re: Dream shop?

my "dream shop" is just a dream. for now I will keep bumping elbows in my 19.5x19.5 attached garage, it keeps me honest about what I can keep and what needs to go away, what tools I can invest in vs what I want.

they say you cant kennel train a puppy in a kennel that is twice his size because if they have the room to crap in it they will. well, learn to work in a small shop and you will never have crap cluttering you up! my father in law had a 30x50 and he could get one car in at a time, the rest was just stuff, stacked high and deep. my brother got a 3 car garage with his house, in 30 years he hasnt parked in it, its full of stuff. I am an offender too, I bought a rental property with a 30x50 steel building, it is currently full of 6 trucks and ancillary parts.
the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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