Thread: Herd immunity
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Old 03-29-2020, 07:56 PM   #10
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Re: Herd immunity

I’m probably more at risk with my wife being a nurse than I am walking through a crowded HD on a Sunday morning.
I was mostly being flippant about the herd immunity comment. There is so much conflicting data out there. Should people take precautions and be careful.? Absolutely. Is there fear mongering? Absolutely.
I understand people have pre existing health issues and need to be very careful.
Kansas is the 22nd state to enact the stay at home order. There are things that are still considered reasonable and “safe” to do.
I have a feeling the people who are yelling stay at home the loudest can be found in HD,Walmart,Costco, Target and any other grocery store or gas station on any given day.
I’m ok with that. Probably helps them vent their fears and frustration.
Lastly I want say that this is not aimed at anything that you said rsavage.
Fight the good fight, finish the race, keep the faith

Last edited by kingsolver72; 03-29-2020 at 08:02 PM.
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