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Old 05-01-2020, 10:13 PM   #26
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Re: the slowest (build) blazer

Well I have some good news and some bad news. Good news is my job is one that is considered essential so I am able to work during this quarantine. Bad news is my job is one that is considered essential so I have to work during this quarantine. Over all I think the good outweighs the bad in this case.

I have gotten the lower control arms blasted and painted over the last month and the cross member cleaned and prepped last weekend. There must have been 1/2 inch of oil soaked dirt in the center cavity. spend almost 3 hours Saturday with a wire brush and a power washer trying to get it out. Decided late Saturday night to try oven cleaner Sunday. Stuff worked great on getting the lats of the gunk out of the hard to reach areas but if anyone else uses it be warned it will immediately oxidize any metal so you will need a coat of rust converter sprayed on in almost immediately.

Paint is has been my primary focus and I have made some progress on the weekends that it wasn't raining. Last coat on the cross member was this afternoon so i may start assembly late Sunday night once the paint cures. Possibly just get everything lined up and all the bolts located and just try and get one piece per night this week.

I hope everyone reading this is in a good place in their lives and they and their loved ones are happy and healthy.
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