Thread: Heavily bored
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Old 05-22-2020, 11:05 AM   #1
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Heavily bored

As I have posted I t-boned some one on Monday, and I got a rental mini van. The rent a car place I went too. Either had luxury cars or cars I hated, but they had 2 Dodge mini vans aka Mom mobiles in the $35 a day rental fee my insurance covers.

Well I got word late Tuesday they were going to fix the truck, and the blah blah total damage stuff was not close enough to total the truck. As per my conversation with the adjuster. I did not ask to total the truck or mention it. Just my concerns of a bent frame. But there was a lot of small stuff that got torn up with the way i hit the van, and theynhad concerns.

Well being pissed off, and not wanting to deal with more B.S. Since I had just took a week off work due to bronchitis, and people thing I had the corona. I went on a mini 3 day road trip. It kind of sucked as still not much open, but I got to see some sights.

Plus I realized my error in getting the truck. The van is really a great option for me. The way I do stuff the van offers more flexibility. I was able to sleep in the mini van comfortably enough, and save on hotels. Plus sleeping next to a river, listening to the wildlife sounds, and skipping rocks at midnight is just great. Well when I get around to it due to finances I am seriously going to get a 2500 Express.
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