Thread: Joke Thread
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Old 06-22-2020, 06:07 PM   #81
LS short box
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Re: Joke Thread

So a customer walks into the pet store and goes to the canary cages and finds it empty and the price tag says $125 special order only. He is about to walk out when the owner of the store asks if he can help. The customer said he was looking for a canary because they sing so nice but he can't really afford $125. So the owner says it's a little known fact that a parakeet can sing better than a canary it you file the beak of the parakeet slightly. But if you file it too much the parakeet will drown when it drinks water. And the parakeets are only $20 and in stock. So customer decides to take the parakeet and asks the pet owner where he can get the correct file. He said the hardware store next door stocks the perfect file for this.
So the customer goes over to the hardware store and asks the owner for the correct file and after paying $5 for the file is on his way. But the owner of the hardware store cautioned the customer not to file the beak too much or the parakeet will drown when it drinks water.
So the next day the customer is back at the pet store and the owner asks him how he can help and the customer said the parakeet has died and need another. The pet store owner said you filed the beak too much didn't you and it drown while it drank water? The customer said no the parakeet was dead after I took his head out of the vise!
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