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Old 08-11-2020, 02:26 PM   #12
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Re: COVID-19 one of ours....

“Basic flu”is deadly.. ( there are a 131 subtypes in just Influenza A) just look at the numbers..
I’ve posted some numbers in another thread.

I’ve read that CDC estimates COVID mortality rate at 0.04.

This pandemic has been used as a political leveraging tool.
It’s been used to divide.
It’s been used to get people to emote.
To deny that is being tone deaf to your confirmation bias.
I lean heavy to the right and I’m well aware of this.
Although I still try to pay attention to the other side of the coin. I orientate.
I have no interest in social media.. unless this site is tossed in the mix.
“News media” have agendas..pull in as many viewers/ratings.

I’ve heard about people not wearing mask getting attacked by people wearing masks. I’ve never heard of it the other way around.
I know this is an anecdotal statement..
I seriously don’t think the numbers support people breathlessly telling everyone to wear a mask.
Why not tell everyone to wear face shields too?
Why marginalize that flu kill millions of people every year?
I don’t see much consistency with people telling others to wear a mask.
In my observations most don’t wear an effective mask or wear them properly with regards to “safety”.
Let’s try to get along with our neighbor.
Fight the good fight, finish the race, keep the faith
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